Interior Chinatown, a “meta” detective series in which a struggling Asian waiter becomes the unlikely hero of a police-procedural-style criminal conspiracy, satirises Hollywood’s stereotypical treatment of minorities – while also nodding to the progress the industry has belatedly made.
The new show, out on Disney+ on November 19, is based on a novel by US author Charles Yu, who is of Taiwanese descent.
Yu’s 2020 bestseller delivered a humorous takedown of racism in US society through the adventures of Willis Wu, a Hollywood extra who plays roles like “Background Oriental Male” but who dreams of one day being promoted to “Kung Fu Guy”.
Yu created the television series and is its executive producer.
“I grew up watching TV in the 80s and 90s and I just never saw Asians on TV. It’s as if they didn’t exist,” he told a press conference in July.