
Deer With Cute Capybara-Like Face Becomes Viral Sensation In China

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Deer With Cute Capybara-Like Face Becomes Viral Sensation In China

Did you know there are more than 43 types of deer around the world?

However, we might have just stumbled upon the cutest one of all.

Chinese netizens have been posting videos of the Siberian or Asian roe deer on Xiaohongshu.

Thanks to their looks, these beautiful creatures are also known in Mandarin as the silly roe deer and can be found in the forests of northeastern China.

If you ask us, the adorable-looking deer seems like it was cross bred with a capybara.

In fact, some people have even taken to calling it “China’s capybara”

However, some feel like their faces resembled an alpaca more.

Fun fact: When the deer is startled, their tail fur fluffs up, turning it into a white butt.

Also, when they grow out their horns, they tends to look like they are covered with a blanket of fur.

Netizens have been flooding the comments with one questioning if it is AI-generated.

“It must be fake right? It looks like it came from an anime,” read a comment.

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