
Peanut butter craze in Korea sees cooks mix it with chilli paste, soybean paste in recipes

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Peanut butter craze in Korea sees cooks mix it with chilli paste, soybean paste in recipes

A speciality cafe in Seongsu-dong, Seoul, is gaining attention for its unique focus on peanut butter.

The PCafe offers a variety of peanut butter products, including a 100 per cent peanut butter option freshly ground in front of customers.

“Some customers buy up to 30 jars at a time,” a staff member said, adding that about half of their customers are middle-aged, in addition to younger patrons.

A woman in her fifties visited the cafe on February 18 with her daughter. She said, “It’s trendy to spread peanut butter on apples these days, so we thought we’d give it a try,” and bought a jar to take home.
Peanut butter is flying off shelves in South Korea as perceptions of the spread change. Photo: Shutterstock
Peanut butter is flying off shelves in South Korea as perceptions of the spread change. Photo: Shutterstock

Peanut butter, once considered unfamiliar in Korea, has now become a kitchen staple. The trend began in 2024 when TV personality Choi Hwa-jung appeared on a YouTube channel and showed eating apples with peanut butter for breakfast.

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