
YES 933 DJs Try Dilireba’s Viral ‘Angel Squat’, Assures Us No One Got Injured

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YES 933 DJs Try Dilireba’s Viral ‘Angel Squat’, Assures Us No One Got Injured

Though we think the two ladies did a commendable job, Kunhua took it up a notch, finding his own wings and ‘long hair’, courtesy of Joey’s sweater.

In the reel, the jocks can also be heard giving advice to each other.

When we reached out to Hazelle and asked who she thought did the pose best, she admitted to us that the honour went to Kunhua as “he was the one who looked for props”.

She also shared that her The Shuang and Kunz Show co-host had the most difficulty balancing himself for the picture.

“I was so worried he’d sprain his ankle!” said Hazelle.

When this writer pointed out to her that doctors in China are cautioning anyone who rarely exercises from attempting the ‘angel squat’, The ‘SING A Dance A ’ singer assures us no one sustained any injuries and they even “spent time warming up”.

“Fun fact, I am very used to squatting and it’s the first thing I do upon reaching home every night. It is my way of decompressing,” she laughed.

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