
Eating Some Bacteria is Actually Good For You. Here’s Why.

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Eating Some Bacteria is Actually Good For You. Here’s Why.

Ladies and gentlemen, and all you hand-sanitizer enthusiasts out there, let’s talk about something that’s bound to give you the heebie-jeebies: bacteria.

You see, bacteria have a bit of a bad rap thanks to the likes of E. coli and their villainous crew, but there’s a whole squad of bacterial superheroes living inside us, tirelessly working to keep us in tip-top shape.

For the chronically single folks, you’ll be happy to know that instead of sleeping by yourself in a big bed every night, you’re actually sharing your space with an estimated number of 100 million – yes, million – bacteria.

(That’s like, 16 Singapores…)

And with every breath that you take, you’re also inviting tens of thousands of bacteria into your system.

Yes, those microscopic critters are probably doing the Macarena on every surface you touch. But hold on to your Dettol, because I’m here to tell you that not all bacteria are out to get you.

In fact, some of them are the unsung heroes of your body’s ecosystem.

Imagine your body as a galaxy, with a whopping 40 trillion bacterial cells and only 30 trillion human cells. (That’s right, you’re technically more bacteria than human!) 

These tiny roommates aren’t just freeloaders; they’ve been your partners in crime throughout history, helping you digest food, fight off diseases, and even shape your evolution. 

You can click on this video to learn all about it in eight minutes!

Humans Have Evolved with Bacteria

According to some recent studies, the little guys living in our gut have been your sidekicks throughout human history, evolving alongside us as we journeyed out of Africa and spread across the globe.

This close relationship, known as codiversification, means that specific strains of bacteria did not just tag along for the ride, but instead evolved alongside humans, influencing our development. These bacteria helped by breaking down food, aiding digestion, and bolstering the immune system.

As humans moved to new environments, their gut bacteria adapted to new diets and conditions, helping humans survive and thrive in diverse settings. This mutual evolution suggests that our health and evolution are deeply intertwined with these microbes.

If you paid attention in Science class, you may recognise this as a symbiotic, or mutually beneficial relationship!

Gut Bacteria Has Health Influences Since Birth

The gut microbiome begins influencing your body from birth, starting with exposure to microbes in the birth canal, and potentially even before you pop out of your mom!

(If my mother said I was fished out of Singapore River, what does that make me?)

As you grow, your gut microbiome diversifies, with higher diversity linked to better health. Diet plays a key role in this diversity.

The microbiome performs several vital functions:

  1. Digesting breast milk: One of the first groups of bacteria to grow in a baby’s intestines is Bifidobacteria. These bacteria specialize in digesting the healthy sugars in breast milk, which are vital for a baby’s growth and development.
  2. Digesting fiber: Certain gut bacteria help digest fiber, producing short-chain fatty acids crucial for maintaining gut health. This process not only supports a healthy digestive system but also helps prevent weight gain, diabetes, heart disease, and even reduces the risk of cancer.
  3. Immune system regulation: The gut microbiome plays a key role in regulating your immune system. It communicates with immune cells to help your body respond appropriately to infections, ensuring that your immune responses are balanced and effective.
  4. Brain health: Recent research indicates that the gut microbiome might also influence the central nervous system, which controls brain function. This suggests that your gut bacteria could have a direct impact on your mood, behavior, and overall brain health.

These interactions highlight the microbiome’s crucial role in health and bodily functions.

Bacteria Helps Our Immune System!

Moreover, some mommies and daddies would prefer to keep their spawn away from anything remotely dirty, but it is proven that exposing children to germs at a young age is ultimately beneficial in the long run!

(At least according to some clever researchers studying mice.)

They found that exposure to microbes in early life could be like a crash course for the immune system, helping it learn the ropes and defend against allergies and pesky conditions like asthma and ulcerative colitis (a fancy term for a type of tummy trouble).

Now, how does this work exactly? Well, it seems that these microbes play a sneaky game with a group of immune cells called iNKT cells. These cells are like the superheroes of your immune system, fighting off bad guys but sometimes causing trouble themselves.

The researchers discovered that when mice grew up in germ-free environments, they ended up with more iNKT cells hanging around, which could lead to more inflammation and health issues down the line.

But here’s the kicker: even if these mice tried to catch up on their germ exposure later in life, it didn’t quite do the trick. It’s like trying to learn Spanish in your golden years – sure, you might pick up a few words, but you’ll never be as fluent as those who started young.

So, what’s the secret sauce here? Well, it seems to involve a sneaky protein called CXCL16, which is like the conductor of the inflammation orchestra. In the germ-free mice, this protein was cranked up to eleven, causing a chain reaction that led to more iNKT cells causing mischief.

So maybe the next time your child drops a cookie on the floor, you won’t be so quick to toss it in the trash. After all, a little extra germ exposure might just be the boost their immune system needs!

(But please, don’t take parenting advice from me. You do you!)

Bacteria Affects Weight Loss Too!

Now I see some ears perking up.

These critters living in our gut are pulling some serious strings when it comes to your weight and overall health.

Imagine this: scientists peek into the bellies of 77 pairs of twins, one with obesity and one without. What do they find? Well, it turns out the chubby twins have a different gut bacteria lineup compared to their leaner counterparts. 

And get this – when these gut bacteria from the heavier twins are transplanted into mice, those little rodents also start packing on the pounds. Talk about a gut feeling, right? 

But how do these microbes pull off such a feat? Well, it seems they’ve got a knack for breaking down foods that we humans can’t handle, like fiber, churning out chemicals that not only keep our guts happy but might also give our waistlines a little nudge in the right direction.

In fact, studies have shown that folks who chow down on fiber tend to tip the scales in their favor, all thanks to their trusty gut bacteria. And get this – there’s a duo of bacteria, Prevotella and Bacteroidetes, duking it out in your intestines.

Prevotella loves to feast on fiber and carbs, while Bacteroidetes is all about animal protein and fat life. In one study, the folks with more Prevotella on board lost more body fat when munching on a high-fiber diet. It’s like having your own personal cheerleading squad for healthy eating!

These gut bugs are also big fans of flavonoids, those fancy antioxidants found in plants. They gobble them up like candy, potentially helping to keep those pesky pounds at bay.

Now, let’s talk about short-chain fatty acids. When these bacteria break down fiber, they whip up a batch of these fatty acids, including one called propionate. And it turns out, propionate’s got some serious sway over those hunger hormones.

In one study, folks who popped propionate pills for 24 weeks found themselves feeling fuller thanks to a boost in PYY and GLP-1, two hormones that put the brakes on hunger. And the best part? They also hit the brakes on weight gain, proving that sometimes the gut knows best when it comes to portion control.

But that’s not all – enter prebiotics, which are like the fertilizer for your gut garden, giving those bacteria the nutrients they need to thrive. And when your gut buddies are happy, you’re happy – and full!

In another study, volunteers who downed prebiotics for a fortnight not only felt less hungry but also had higher levels of GLP-1 and PYY, the dynamic duo of fullness hormones. 

So, next time you’re feeling those hunger pangs, maybe it’s time to invite your gut bacteria to the table. 

It Also Helps Mental Health!

Ever had that gut-wrenching feeling during a nerve-wracking presentation? Or felt nauseous before a big exam? What about those delightful butterflies fluttering around in your stomach when you’re excited or anxious? Yep, we’ve all been there, and it’s not just in our heads – it’s in our guts too!

Your stomach is like the psychic sidekick to your brain, picking up on all those emotions and firing off signals faster than you can say “hangry.” Just the mere thought of food can kickstart your stomach’s juices into high gear, all thanks to the brain calling the shots.

But here’s where it gets even crazier – it’s a two-way street. When your gut’s feeling out of sorts, it doesn’t hesitate to shoot a distress signal straight to the brain. And guess what? That can send your mood on a rollercoaster ride from hell.

Ever heard of neurotransmitters? They are like the messengers of the brain, zipping around and regulating everything from our mood to our motivation. And guess where a big chunk of these neurotransmitters come from? You guessed it – our gut.

In fact, more than 30 different neurotransmitters are churned out right here in our belly. So, when we talk about depression and anxiety being a result of a “chemical imbalance,” we might be pointing fingers in the wrong direction. Turns out, the real party’s happening in our gut, not our brain.

When things go awry in our gut microbiome, it’s not just our digestion that suffers. Oh no, it can send shockwaves all the way up to our mental health. People dealing with digestive disorders like Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis are at a higher risk of depression and anxiety, and these mental health issues can actually make their gut problems worse. It’s like a never-ending cycle of gut-wrenching struggles.

And it’s not just depression and anxiety – a whole slew of mental disorders, from Alzheimer’s to schizophrenia, have been linked to imbalances in the gut microbiome. It’s like our gut has a direct line to our brain, and when things go haywire down there, it can send ripples of chaos through our entire system.

But fear not – researchers are hard at work unraveling the mysteries of this gut-brain connection. From genetics to environmental factors, they’re piecing together the puzzle to better understand how our gut microbiome influences our mental health.

So, while we may still have a lot to learn, one thing’s for sure – when it comes to our well-being, our gut is calling the shots.

How to Improve Your Gut Health?

I’ve said a lot already, but how does one actually introduce more good bacteria in your system? (And no, please don’t just start licking toilet floors.)

When it comes to nourishing your gut bacteria, certain foods can play a significant role in promoting a healthy balance. Whole grains, such as unrefined grains, are rich in fiber, which serves as fuel for beneficial gut bacteria like Bifidobacteria. The consumption of whole grains has been associated with potential benefits for weight management and overall gut health.

Similarly, fruits and vegetables provide an array of fibers that support gut bacteria diversity, which in turn is linked to improved weight regulation and overall well-being. Nuts and seeds contribute both fiber and healthy fats, further aiding in the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.

Polyphenol-rich foods like dark chocolate, green tea, and red wine contain compounds that are not directly digestible by humans but can be broken down by beneficial gut bacteria. This breakdown process promotes the growth of these helpful microbes.

Fermented foods like yogurt, kombucha, kefir, and sauerkraut contain live cultures of beneficial bacteria, such as lactobacilli, which can help rebalance the gut microbiota and support intestinal health. Probiotics, whether from fermented foods or supplements, can also aid in restoring healthy gut bacteria after disruptions like illness or antibiotic use.

On the flip side, certain dietary choices may negatively impact gut bacteria balance. Diets high in sugar can promote the growth of harmful bacteria in the gut, potentially contributing to weight gain and other chronic health issues. Artificial sweeteners have been shown to reduce beneficial bacteria in the intestines, which may affect blood sugar regulation.

Additionally, consuming excessive unhealthy fats, such as saturated fats, can alter the composition of gut bacteria, favoring the growth of disease-causing strains. In contrast, healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids support a favorable gut microbiome environment.

In conclusion, it’s time we give credit where credit’s due – to the tiny but mighty bacteria residing within us.

Despite their microscopic stature, these bacteria play an outsized role in our health and well-being. From aiding in digestion to influencing our mood and even shaping our evolution, they’re like the unsung heroes of our body’s ecosystem.

And while we’re still unraveling the mysteries of their influence, one thing’s for sure – nurturing our gut bacteria through a balanced diet and lifestyle can have profound effects on our physical and mental health. So, let’s raise a toast to our gut buddies and keep supporting them in their mission to keep us healthy and happy!

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