
Eric Chou, Ethan Juan & Other Taiwanese Celebs With Good Looking Relatives

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Eric Chou, Ethan Juan & Other Taiwanese Celebs With Good Looking Relatives

Sharon Hsu, 43, and siblings

Back in 2017, Sharon and her family went viral thanks to their good looks. 

At that time, Sharon and her two older sisters, Lure and Fayfay, now 48 and 47 respectively, were pictured next to their now-70-year-old mother. 

They shocked the Internet, which described the family as “a bunch of teenage women with their 40-something-year-old mother”, and people even started clamouring to find out how they retained their youthful looks. 

Turns out, they also have a younger brother, Tom Hsu, who’s just as good looking as his older sisters.

Photos: Fayfay Hsu/Facebook

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