
Eunice Chiong, S’porean artist specialising in LEGO printmaking

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Eunice Chiong, S’porean artist specialising in LEGO printmaking

If you’ve been in the creative space long enough, you’ve probably come across month-long international challenges before. 

For writers, there’s NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) where you’re challenged to write creatively throughout November. For musicians, there’s FAWM (February Album Writing Month) where you have to write a new song every other day. 

Artists, however, had a few to choose from like Inktober and Peachtober that are hosted annually in October.

How it works is you’re given thematic prompts for each day to create something artistic. The choice of medium is up to you, but the goal is to foster creativity. 

This was exactly what Eunice Chiong needed after an 8.5-year career in marketing. And little did she know, it would be the catalyst to her namesake business that focuses on LEGO art prints.

Image Credit: Eunice Chiong

If not now then when?

Growing up, Eunice had always been drawn to creative pursuits. She’s dabbled in scrapbooking, illustrating, paper crafting, and hand lettering. 

She learnt these through attending online workshops or from YouTube. She would also frequent the library and devour art books, gleaning insights and techniques from established artists.

By deconstructing their techniques and experimenting with their styles, she learnt to put her own spin on things. Hence, helping her develop her own artistic voice.

But naturally, reality beckoned and her career occupied most of her day. This meant she had less time to properly pursue her passion for art.

Unhappy with this, the then-30-year-old made a leap of faith and quit her job. 

Image Credit: Eunice Chiong

“I figured it was the opportune moment to do so before life starts throwing more responsibilities my way,” she shared. “I wanted to give my artistic dreams a shot while I still had the flexibility to do it.”

A challenge that opened new doors

It was during this career break that Eunice challenged herself to take on Peachtober. 

Wanting to push herself further, she sought out new art mediums to make it more exciting. That’s when she stumbled upon a viral Instagram reel by Eric Schwarz showcasing his LEGO printmaking artworks. 

One look and she knew it was the perfect avenue to pursue her month-long artistic journey.

Having primarily focused on digital art before this, she was drawn to the tactile nature of LEGO printmaking. It offered a welcomed break from staring at a screen and provided a refreshing hands-on experience.

Image Credit: Eunice Chiong

Determining the medium was the easy part. By the time she had all the supplies, she only had three days left before Peachtober started. So you could say she was jumping in at the deep end.

But they say practice makes perfect, which was exactly what Eunice was banking on. 

Making use of good opportunities

For 31 days straight, she worked on her LEGO printmaking skills. 

Her process became refined, and her techniques significantly improved in a short period of time. And before she knew it, she had somewhat mastered the craft by the end of Peachtober.

At the same time, she noticed that this art form hadn’t been widely explored locally. 

Image Credit: Eunice Chiong

Motivated and confident in her new crafts, Eunice began selling all the LEGO prints she made for the challenge. It helped to cover the cost of materials and allowed her to build a stronger bond with her community of followers.

Thus, marking the debut of her online art shop. Her artwork sells for SG$40 to SG$45, and customers can order them from her website.

Initially, the first batches were produced in limited pieces of up to six art prints per design. But she’s since shifted to making it upon order in 2024. 

Image Credit: Eunice Chiong

For each month, she’s creating a new LEGO printmaking artwork to keep things fresh. Among the prints released so far, ‘You Are My Lobster’ that was introduced last month, has garnered significant attention. 

It’s all about putting your own spin

Having stalked her profile, I found that Eunice also shares Instagram reels of her LEGO printmaking process. Which led me to wonder if it impacted her sales.

It doesn’t look too hard to replicate and the materials can be found both online and offline. So what’s stopping someone from using the reels as DIY tutorials?

To this, she explained that it’s similar to other art forms. Some people like to try it for themselves, while others might just want to buy the end product as it’s less tedious.

Image Credit: Eunice Chiong

“LEGO printmaking is just another avenue for creativity. Many artists have explored this medium before me, and it’s all about how you put your own spin on it,” Eunice shared.

“Rather than hindering me, sharing my process has proven to be beneficial. It fosters a stronger connection with my audience and reinforces their support for my work, plus I love that it helps people explore their creativity.”

Having learnt the craft through videos herself, though, she can attest that it’s not as easy as it seems at first glance.

Taking it one step at a time

Having only started less than a year ago, Eunice’s art shop is still in its infancy. 

And she doesn’t really view it as a formal business, but rather another opportunity to share her crafts while she’s on her creative journey. 

Image Credit: Eunice Chiong

So, financially, it’s not on the same level as her previous corporate salary. But she shared that the art sales are enough to sustain this endeavour, with her earnings continually being reinvested in it.

It also helps that she has previously accumulated savings and has the support of her husband, she shared.

In the short term, Eunice is eager to teach more people about the craft of LEGO printmaking. Whether that be through online tutorials or in-person workshops, she’s keen on spreading the art form to a larger audience.

As for the future of her career, Eunice said, “I’m not ruling out a return to the corporate world, it’s always a possibility.”

“However, for now, I’m committed to exploring the potential of my art and seeing how far I can take it. I’m keeping an open mind to whatever opportunities come my way and will adapt my plans accordingly.”

Image Credit: Eunice Chiong
  • Learn more about Eunice Chiong here.
  • Read other articles we’ve written about Singaporean startups here.

Featured Image Credit: Eunice Chiong

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