
Here is What People in These Roles Are Earning

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Here is What People in These Roles Are Earning

Wondering how your monthly income compares against that of your peers? Me too.

Previously, we dived into the median income in Singapore as well as the median household income.

Being a Singaporean with a neverending kiasu (read: fear of losing) attitude, I was intrigued to uncover the median monthly income of different occupations according to age and gender.

If you’re as curious as me, here’s all you need to know!

Disclaimer: This article contains the latest January 2024 statistics published by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM), Singapore on 31 Jan 2024.

TL;DR: Here’s How Much Employees Are Earning in Singapore According to Occupation, by Age and Gender For 2023

  • The median gross income across all age groups and occupations is $5,197 (excluding employer CPF)
  • The median gross income is the highest across all occupations at ages 40 to 44, with managers and administrators the highest at $12,020 for ages 45 to 49
  • Male employees earn significantly more than female employees across all occupations except clerical support workers and associate professionals & technicians
  • Female employees earn an average of 88.9% relative to the pay of male employees.

Source: Comprehensive Labour Force Survey, Manpower Research & Statistics Department, MOM

Occupations in Singapore: Which Group Do I Belong To?

Before we proceed, let’s address the elephant in the room:

Which occupation category am I under?

According to the Singapore Standard Occupational Classification (SSOC), occupations can be generally categorised into 10 main groups.

Here’s a quick breakdown of the subgroups and areas of work of these categories:

Occupational Group Sub-Major Groups Examples of Occupations Area of Work
Legislators, Senior Officials and Managers – Legislators, senior officials and chief executives
– Administrative and commercial managers
– Production and specialised services managers
– Hospitality, retail and related services managers
– Cabinet ministers, full-time MPs
– Senior government officials (PS, DS)
– Senior statutory board officials (CE, Dy CE)
– Company managing director
– Department and specialised manager
– School principal
– Working proprietor
– Plan, direct, coordinate and evaluate overall activities of enterprises, government agencies etc.
– Formulate and review policies and laws
– Oversee implementation of policies and/or running the affairs of the organisation
Professionals – Science & engineering professionals
– Health professionals
– Teaching professionals
– Business and admin professionals
– ICT professionals
– Legal, social and cultural professionals
– Other professionals not elsewhere classified
– Chemist
– Statistician
– Civil engineer
– Cardiologist
– Dentist
– Registered nurse
– University lecturer
– Primary school teacher
– Auditor
– Lawyer
– Journalist
– Required to apply scientific and artistic concepts and theories to the solution of problems at work
– Requires high level of specialised knowledge & ability in fields of physical & life science, or social sciences & humanities
– Also include teaching at primary level and higher
Associate Professionals and Technicians – Physical & engineering science associate professionals
– Health Associate professionals
– Business and admin associate professionals
– Legal, social, cultural and related associate professionals
– Information and communications technicians
– Teaching associate professionals
– Other associate professionals not elsewhere classified
– Chemistry Technician
– Mechanical Draughtsman
– Air traffic controller
– Landscape operations officer
– Fire and safety inspector
– Paramedic
– Broadcasting operations technician
– Carrying out technical work connected with the application of concepts and operational methods
– Requires technical knowledge & ability in fields of physical & life science, or social sciences & humanities
– Also includes teaching at extra-curriculum and below primary level
Clerical Support Workers – Clerical supervisors
– General and keyboard clerks
– Customer services officers and clerks
– Numerical and material recording clerks
– Other clerical support workers
– Office clerk
– Secretary
– Bank teller
– Receptionist
– Telephone operator
– Bookkeeper
– Production planning clerk
– Legal clerk
– Entering data into computers, carrying out secretarial duties, recording and computing numerical data
– Keeping records, filing documents
– Supplying information requested by clients and making appointments
Service and Sales Workers – Personal service workers
– Sales workers
– Personal care workers
– Protective service workers
– Service workers N.E.C.
– Cabin attendant
– Tour guide
– Waiter
– Postman
– Beautician
– Shop sales assistant
– Babysitter
– Lifeguards
– Police Officer
– Demonstrate and sell good in wholesale or retail shops and similar establishments
– Provision of personal and protective services related to: Travel, housekeeping, catering and personal care
Agricultural and Fishery Workers – Agricultural workers
– Fishery workers
– Hydroponic farm worker
– Nursery worker
– Livestock worker
– Aquarium fish farm worker
– Crocodile farm worker
– Grow and harvest field or tree and shrub crops
– Breed or tend animals
– Produce a variety of animal husbandry products
– Cultivate, conserve and exploit forests
– Breed or catch fish
– Cultivate or gather other forms of aquatic life
Craftsmen and Related Trades Workers – Building and related trade workers
– Metal, machinery and related trades workers
– Precision, handicraft, printing & related trades workers
– Electrical and electronic trades worker
– Food processing, woodworking, garment, leather, and other craft and related trades workers
– Carpenter
– Building painter
– Goldsmith
– Pottery worker
– Electrician
– Baker
– Tailor
– Shoemaker
– Apply specific knowledge and skills in the fields to:
– Construct and maintain buildings
– Erect metal structures
– Set, maintain or repair machinery
– Carrying out printing work
– Process foodstuffs, textiles, or wooden, metal and other articles, including handicraft goods
Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers – Stationary plant & machine operators
– Assemblers & quality checkers
– Drivers and mobile machinery operators
– Concrete pump operator
– Metal rolling mill worker
– Printing machine operator
– Electronic component assembler
– MRT train operator
– Taxi driver
– Crane operator
– Packing/bottling/labelling machine operator
– Operate and monitor industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment on the spot by remote control
– Drive and operate trains, motor vehicles and mobile machinery and equipment
– Assemble products from component parts according to strict specifications and procedures
Cleaners, Labourers and Related Workers – Cleaners and related workers
– Agricultural, fishery and related labourers
– Labourers and related workers
– Food preparation and kitchen assistants
– Waste and recyclables collection workers and other
– Office cleaner
– Mover
– Dishwasher
– Bellboy
– Building construction labourer
– Perform different types of manual and routine tasks, e.g. cleaning, washing, food preparation, delivering goods, carrying luggage

Now that we have a clearer idea of which category we’re in, let’s take a closer look at the statistics.

Median Gross Income From Work by Occupation and Age (Excluding Employer CPF)

What is the median income in Singapore?

Here’s a quick breakdown.

Age (Years) Median Monthly Income Managers & Administrators (Including Working Proprietors) Professionals Associate Professionals & Technicians Clerical Support Workers Service & Sales Workers Craftsmen & Related Trades Workers Plant & Machine Operators & Assemblers Cleaners, Labourers & Related Workers
15 – 19 $1,580 $1,053 $2,106 $1,872
20 – 24 $3,042 $4,241 $3,510 $2,574 $2,340 $2,282 $2,282
25 – 29 $4,680 $7,020 $5,850 $4,113 $3,159 $3,168 $2,656 $2,925 $2,340
30 – 34 $5,850 $8,702 $7,508 $4,680 $3,510 $3,413 $3,000 $2,788 $2,048
35 – 39 $6,718 $10,620 $8,566 $4,943 $3,422 $3,276 $3,296 $3,168 $2,223
40 – 44 $7,098 $11,565 $9,266 $5,070 $3,630 $3,213 $2,925 $3,000 $2,223
45 – 49 $6,825 $12,020 $9,421 $5,070 $3,676 $2,976 $3,777 $2,600 $2,028
50 – 54 $5,850 $12,000 $9,421 $5,000 $3,803 $2,691 $3,000 $2,604 $2,106
55 – 59 $4,351 $11,767 $8,872 $4,961 $3,371 $2,605 $3,101 $2,500 $1,901
60 & Over $2,905 $8,705 $8,010 $4,440 $3,188 $2,167 $2,500 $2,000 $1,684
Total Median Monthly Income $5,197 $10,889 $8,020 $4,680 $3,361 $2,788 $2,863 $2,481 $1,861

*Calculations for median monthly income include Agricultural & Fishery Workers and Workers Not Elsewhere Classified, which are not reflected in the data above

  • The median gross monthly income peaks at ages 40 to 44, at $7,098.
  • Managers and administrators have the highest salary at $10,889, while cleaners, labourers and related workers have the lowest pay at $1,861.
  • A typical university graduate in the associate professional & technician field earns about $4,113 excluding employer CPF contributions.
  • Managers & administrators between the ages of 45 to 49 hold the highest median income at $12,020, and cleaners & labourers aged 60 and above hold the lowest median income at $1,684.

Median Gross Income From Work by Occupation and Gender (Excluding Employer CPF)

MOM also offers insight into the median monthly income across occupations between different genders.

Occupation Total Males Females Female pay relative to male pay
Managers & Administrators
(Including Working Proprietors)
$9,967 $10,292 $9,000 87.4%
Professionals $7,000 $7,500 $6,500 86.7%
Associate Professionals & Technicians $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 100%
Clerical Support Workers $2,917 $2,795 $2,950 105.5%
Service & Sales Workers $2,440 $2,708 $2,195 81.1%
Craftsmen & Related Trades Workers $2,500 $2,708 $2,000 73.9%
Plant & Machine Operators & Assemblers $2,200 $2,300 $1,900 82.6%
Cleaners, Labourers & Related Workers $1,625 $1,700 $1,625 95.6%
Total $4,550 $4,875 $4,333 88.9%

*Calculations for median monthly income include Agricultural & Fishery Workers and Workers Not Elsewhere Classified, which are not reflected in the data above

The income of male employees is significantly higher than female employees across all occupations except clerical support workers. While the gender pay gap situation is slowly improving, it is evident that it still exists today.

The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) cited a few possible reasons for this gap, with one being women’s propensity to play the role of the primary caregiver at home.

This means a higher probability of taking time off from work to tend to familial needs.

What Does This Mean For You?

These numbers serve as a general guide to the median monthly income across different occupation groups.

Don’t be disheartened if your salary falls below these numbers, as the range within each group can vary widely based on the profession as well.

What’s most important is that you continue to work on yourself to improve your employability.

Here are a few things you can do:

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