Mirror’s Keung To is used to people commenting about his weight and looks.
And coming in third for ‘The 100 Most Handsome Faces’ earlier this year definitely didn’t help.
However, it seems the Hong Kong singer has noticeably lost some weight, even going so far as to confidently post pictures on Instagram showing off leaner-looking arms and a sharper face.
Previously, the 25-year-old was always conscious about his body and usually hid under baggy-looking clothes.
In an Instagram Story, Keung To even spoofed his old self by posting a recent picture of himself alongside an old picture of calling them, “my son” and “my daughter”.
He also replaced his profile pic with the same chubby picture and the words, “pretty enough”.
Fans have praised Keung To for his efforts, with many reminding him to take care of himself.
In what seems like a bid to throw his naysayers off, Keung also shared old pictures of his plump self in a helicopter.
Naturally, talk about him photoshopping his pictures is rife, with some netizens saying he hasn’t lost any of the weight when they saw him on stage recently.
“I didn’t see the change that everyone was talking about on on social media. Was it ‘meitu’ magic?” wrote a netizen.