
Man Develops Bad Breath After A Cockroach Crawls Into His Mouth And Gets Stuck In His Throat When He Was Sleeping

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Man Develops Bad Breath After A Cockroach Crawls Into His Mouth And Gets Stuck In His Throat When He Was Sleeping

If you have a fear of creepy crawlies entering your mouth while you’re deep in slumber, you might want to brace yourself before reading this story. 

A 58-year-old man from Haikou, China, was sleeping when he suddenly woke up to a ticklish feeling in his nose and throat.

He tried to cough it out but nothing came out so he went back to sleep, not giving the matter much thought. 

He realised that his breath started to smell the next day but he lived with the stench for the next three days until he started coughing up yellow mucus. That was when he decided to make a trip to the doctor. 

The man consulted an ENT specialist who examined the man’s upper respiratory tract, but did not find anything abnormal. 

However, the man was certain there was something lodged in his throat so he saw another doctor. 

He was smart to do that. 

After doing a CT scan of the man’s chest, the doctor discovered a shadow in his bronchus, indicating the presence of a foreign object.

A bronchoscopy then showed “something with wings” stuck there.

“The foreign body was encased in a lot of phlegm. After sucking out the surrounding phlegm, the foreign object was exposed. It was a cockroach,” said the doctor. 

The cockroach was immediately removed, and the area washed and rid of excess phlegm. 

Speaking to the media, the doctor said cases like that are rare. He, however, urged those who experience similar symptoms to seek medical help immediately.

Though it might not always be a cockroach stuck in your throat that’s the cause of your bad breath.

Photos: Oddity Central

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