
Multi-Millionaire PM: Lee Hsien Loong’s Pomp and Power in Global Arena

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Multi-Millionaire PM: Lee Hsien Loong’s Pomp and Power in Global Arena

by  Yoong Siew Wah

In Singapore’s history and as a tribute to its founder, the name Lee Hsien Loong never fails to arouse pompous curiosity in Washington and Beijing. Joe Biden and Xi-Jinping would greet him with more than open arms. Does profound prostration before they bring about this honour? It’s fascinating, and your guess is as good as mine.

Sonny Boy Lee Hsien Loong was born with a golden spoon and was doted and pampered throughout his early life. He never knew a day of the suffering of a deprived citizen, and now he had the temerity to pretend to serve the common people .

He and his avaricious ministers are paid salaries of millions with the people’s money, ostensibly to provide public service to the people.

What kind of public service do they provide that requires millions of people’s money to be paid to them?  Lee Hsien Loong unabashedly pockets around S$2.4 million, more than four times what the American President gets at USD400,000 a year.

Is he trying to hoodwink the people that Singapore is four times more important and bigger than the United States?

David Marshall was flummoxed and asked quite cynically what they wanted to do with so much money which they could not bring to their graves with it.

A dumb woody Goh Chok Tong could show such preposterously shocking dement to say that the PM and ministers were underpaid. He needs to have his head examined by a shrink.

This just goes to show the level of hypocrisy the People’s Action Party (PAP) leaders are capable of in hoodwinking the people that they serve the people when they are serving themselves by enriching themselves with people’s money. If the gullible Singaporeans who voted for them in every election do not watch out, they may wake up one day to find themselves utterly impoverished, holding a begging bowl like a mendicant.

I pointed out to Lee Hsien Loong that his knowledge of Singapore’s history is quite atrocious, especially in the battle of supremacy against the Communists.

Where was he when I and my colleagues were fighting the Communists in the front line at the risk of our lives?  We made all the sacrifices to save Singapore from Communist rule, not for him and his millionaire ministers to sit on their fat asses to enjoy the luxuries of life at the people’s expense. They draw millions of people’s money, and we live on poverty pensions below the state poverty line proposed by Associate Professor Jamus Lim, Workers’ Party Member of Parliament for Seng Kang GRC.

When we asked for a raise to our poverty pension, we were told peremptorily by the then Finance Minister Richard Ho, tacitly endorsed by PM Lee Hsien Loong, that what we received was enough for us and they were waiting for us to die, emphasizing that we had served our purpose.

Are they human beings or satanic monsters in human attire? They pocket millions from people’s coffers, and what we ask for could be so minuscule compared to what they dip from the people, and only a few of us still live.

Lee Hsien Loong is a Chinese zodiac dragon, and I am a zodiac tiger. He rules the heaven and I roam the earth and never the twain shall meet.

By an irony of fate, we were brought together in combat for justice. It was a parable of David and Goliath, but whether in the end a dragon slayer will emerge will depend on God’s wisdom.

As a prime minister, it would be a disaster to make concoctions in his speeches to embellish ignorance. I had written to him that he was treading on dangerous ground in his fabricated condolences to the widow of the late director ISD Lim  Chye Heng. Is he capable of such guffs in his international stand-up comedies? The world is his playground, and he bum-sucks Joe Biden and Xi Jin Ping to try to balance one with the other, and both leaders were delighted to string him along.

The Chinese saying To place righteousness before family (大义灭亲) is an idiom that Lee Hsien Loong has yet to adopt to make a public apology for his father’s sin. Lee Kuan Yew had iniquitously committed gross injustice against me, and I have requested Lee Hsien Loong to make a public apology. So far, he has avoided doing this honour for his father.

Lee Hsien Loong’s era is coming to an end what the Lawrence Wong’s regime will portend we will as the Chinese saying goes Watch with abated  breath (拭目以待).

Mr Yoong Siew Wah was the Director of Singapore’s Internal Security Department (ISD) from 1971 to 1974. He was Director of the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) in the 1960s. He runs a blog, Singapore Recalcitrant.

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