
Netizens unsatisfied with Minister’s explanation for Marine Parade bus stop design flaws, call for better planning

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Netizens unsatisfied with Minister’s explanation for Marine Parade bus stop design flaws, call for better planning

SINGAPORE: Netizens have expressed dissatisfaction with Transport Minister’s explanation regarding the design flaws of the new bus stop at Marine Parade.

The bus stop, which recently opened, has faced criticism for its poor visibility and confusing layout.

Commuters have voiced their frustration over the numerous pillars that obstruct the view of incoming buses and the separate bays that make it unclear where specific buses will stop.

The controversy began on 3 July when a Reddit user posted a picture of the bus stop with the caption: “Which genius designed this? No one can see incoming buses thanks to the row of pillars obscuring the view.”

In response to the concerns raised, Transport Minister Chee Hong Tat suggested installing cameras to help commuters see approaching buses.

This proposal is one of several being considered by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) to improve the bus stop’s user-friendliness.

In a Facebook post on 6 July, Mr Chee explained that the cameras would allow seated commuters to view oncoming buses, giving them more time to prepare for boarding.

If successful, this solution could be implemented at other bus stops facing similar visibility issues.

The design flaws of the bus stop, located outside Marine Parade MRT Station, have been criticized for two main reasons.

Firstly, the pillars block the view of approaching buses. Secondly, the two separate bays cause confusion among commuters about where specific buses stop.

Mr Chee clarified that the pillars were placed at the front of the bus stop to avoid underground drains at the back, which would complicate maintenance work.

Despite exploring other locations, the current site was chosen for its proximity to the MRT station, offering a shorter walking distance for commuters.

Acknowledging the visibility problem, Mr Chee emphasized the potential of technology to resolve the issue.

He suggested installing cameras facing oncoming traffic, with live footage displayed on screens inside the bus stop.

Regarding the two bus bays, Mr Chee noted that this arrangement was intended to expedite boarding for the numerous buses that serve the stop.

To alleviate confusion, LTA will enhance signage to guide commuters more clearly.

The LTA will review the situation and provide updates on the planned improvements, Mr Chee added.

Netizens express dissatisfaction over the explanation for bus stop design flaws

Many netizens remain unsatisfied with the Transport Minister’s explanation for the design flaws of the new Marine Parade bus stop.

Under his Facebook post, numerous users shared their opinions, emphasizing the need for careful planning to avoid wasting taxpayers’ money.

One netizen commented that the bus stop should have been designed properly from the start to prevent the need for costly rebuilding.

They suggested the Land Transport Authority (LTA) employ individuals capable of making better decisions to avoid unnecessary expenses.

Another user criticized the persistent design issues, questioning why basic commuter needs are still not met after years of building bus stops.

They lamented the wastage of taxpayers’ money and questioned who approved the flawed design and construction.

A different user highlighted the lack of forward planning by LTA, pointing out that similar problems had been raised for other bus stops like Springleaf MRT and Punggol MRT.

They noted that the separate bus bays and obstructive pillars had long been problematic.

Questioning the minister directly, one netizen asked if he and other public transit planners at LTA primarily use public transit themselves, implying a disconnect between planners and commuters.

Netizens question effectiveness of installing cameras at Marine Parade bus stop

Many netizens expressed skepticism about the effectiveness of installing cameras.

One user argued that cameras wouldn’t help during peak times when multiple buses arrive simultaneously, and suggested a complete redesign instead.

Concerns about the recurring costs of maintaining cameras and screens were also raised.

One netizen suggested that redesigning the bus stop would be more cost-effective in the long run, rather than passing maintenance costs onto future generations.

Some users questioned the expense of installing more cameras and pointed out the occasional malfunction of bus arrival timing systems.

They suggested removing some of the pillars to improve visibility.

Another netizen proposed rerouting the drain as a potential solution, arguing it would be a one-time effort compared to the ongoing costs of maintaining cameras.

Netizens propose greater transparency for future LTA projects

One user suggested that for future projects, LTA should adopt a more transparent approach.

They recommended releasing the design plans to residents for a period of time to gather feedback.

If no adverse comments are received during this period, construction could proceed, thereby avoiding backlash and ensuring the design meets community needs.

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