
[Review] Loop Earplugs models, features, price, performance

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[Review] Loop Earplugs models, features, price, performance

Sitting at my desk, I often find myself stuck between my colleagues who type furiously on their mechanical keyboards. Their loud clacking and clicking can become a constant distraction, derailing my focus on even the simplest of tasks. 

So, when I got the chance to test out Loop Earplugs—specifically the Quiet 2, Engage 2, and Experience 2 models—I was curious to see if they could work like magic, tuning out all that distracting noise.

Loop’s products have an undeniable appeal. The design is sleek, with fun, flashy colours and a distinctive “loop” hook attached to each plug, making them look almost like ear jewellery. 

While Loop isn’t the only company making reusable earplugs, and some alternatives offer higher noise reduction ratings, Loop has done a fantastic job marketing its versatility. 

Each type of earplug is crafted with a specific use case in mind, making it seem like there’s a Loop for everyone.

What do Loop earplugs do?

Before I dive into the experience of using Loop earplugs, let’s talk about what they do. Loop ingeniously adopts the familiar form of earbuds—something most of us are already used to sticking in our ears. 

They fit comfortably, almost like you’re just popping in your favourite pair of wireless buds, but with a twist—music doesn’t come from these earplugs. Well, the silence of it needs some getting used to if you are someone who frequently wears earbuds to listen to music.

Prices starting from RM74.46, Loop Quiet 2 is designed for complete noise reduction, making it perfect for sleeping or deep-focus tasks.

Loop Engage 2 is intended for noisy yet interactive environments where conversations are necessary—think networking events or working in a bustling office. This one starts from RM114.71.

Whereas, Loop Experience 2 offers a middle ground, reducing noise while still letting you hear the world around you—ideal for concerts, festivals, or even office settings when you don’t want to miss out on everything, but still need some peace. Loop Experience also starts from RM114.71.

With this in mind, I was ready to see if Loop earplugs could help me survive the noisy office environment without driving me crazy. I even gave them to my colleagues to get their thoughts. Here’s what we found.

Loop Quiet 2

First up was Loop Quiet. I tried these on and off for a few hours a day, especially when my colleagues started yapping about random things with loud debates and, of course, those endless mechanical keyboard clicks. 

The moment I popped the Quiet earplugs in, it was like stepping into a calm, muted bubble. The sound reduction was impressive—no more aggressive clicking, no more overhearing debates I had no part in. While I could still feel the office around me, the noise was reduced to a dull hum. 

The best part? They didn’t create that annoying underwater feeling that many earplugs do. Loop Quiet just softened everything, allowing me to focus on my work. 

Loop Quiet 2 earplugs

But, before I could tune them out clearly I had to change the eartip size of my earplugs to find the one that actually fit snug, if not, I was still able to hear the noises. 

That being said, these earplugs aren’t just for office use. I took them home and tried them out while sleeping, and they worked wonders. No more early morning wake-ups from the sounds of traffic outside my window. 

Sabrina’s take: One of my colleagues, Sabrina, tested Loop Quiet for an hour when our colleagues were extra chatty, and the keyboard clicks were particularly loud. While the fit was snug, it was hard for her to tell if it was the right size. 

Switching eartip sizes was a bit tricky, especially with long nails, and she wished the sizes were labelled on them (even though it’s labelled on the box). However, once in place, the earplugs did a solid job of blocking out most sounds, though the loud clicks of a mechanical keyboard still managed to break through, she said.

At first, she found the white noise unsettling, as it made her overthink, which wasn’t ideal for staying focused.

After an hour, she got used to the white noise, and it helped her focus by drowning out office chatter. Overall, despite some minor adjustments needed for fit, she found Loop Quiet effective in creating a quieter workspace and helping her concentrate better.

Loop Engage 2

Next, I tried Loop Engage, which is designed for environments where you still need to interact with people. On a typical day, I’ll need to chat with colleagues or hop on quick calls, but the ambient noise from the office makes it hard to concentrate. Well, for me the Loop Engage helped to a certain level.

While the earplugs didn’t block out all noise, they toned down the loudest sounds and filtered out background chatter. What I liked most was that I could still hear my colleagues when they approached me to talk, but the sounds that usually distract me—the aggressive clicking of keyboards, printers whirring, and people’s footsteps—were muffled.

It was the ideal balance of staying connected without being overwhelmed by the noise around me. I didn’t have to keep pulling them out to engage with my surroundings, which made my day a lot less frustrating. 

Loop Engage 2 earplugs

However, one downside I noticed was that I had to put in more effort to focus on what people were saying. It wasn’t a dealbreaker, but it did feel like I had to work a little harder during conversations, which made me feel a bit more mentally drained than I’d prefer.

Sade’s take: My managing editor Sade had a similar take. During conversations, she mentioned having to focus extra hard, which made it feel like it took more energy than usual.

While it was effective in muffling nearby sounds, Sade noticed that distant noises, like distant chatter, seemed to get a bit more amplified, which was a surprising observation.

Overall, she found it to be a mixed experience but recognised the potential for better long-term comfort.

Loop Experience 2

Finally, I gave Loop Experience a whirl. This model is for people who want to be aware of their surroundings but still reduce the intensity of sound. Think festivals, concerts, or noisy office events.

I wore Loop Experience while attending Nights of Fright in Sunway lagoon, where the sound of people shouting because of the thrilling rides and jumpscares, and the background music can often get really too much. 

When I wore Loop Experience I felt like I had more control over the environment. I could still hear what was happening but without being overwhelmed by all the noise. It’s the perfect solution for social settings where you want to remain tuned in but dial down the chaos.

Loop Experience 2 earplugs

I also brought these to a bar where they had live band performances over the weekend. Normally, the loud music at these places is so intense that I often end up wanting to leave just to get away from the noise. 

But with Loop Experience, it was different. The music still sounded full and rich, but without the painful sharpness that usually comes with live instruments blasting in your ears. It was as if someone had turned the volume down just enough for me to enjoy it comfortably. 

I could appreciate the performance, have conversations, and even relax, all without worrying about my ears ringing for hours afterwards. Loop Experience really managed to keep the sound quality intact while filtering out the harshness that usually ruins the fun for me.

Claudia’s take: As for my colleague Claudia’s take, she liked how stylish the earplugs looked and found them comfier than regular earbuds, probably because they don’t require as much tech. 

She tested them while travelling on a train and walking by a busy highway. Though they didn’t block out all the noise, she thought they worked well, and would be good for loud music settings like parties. 

For someone who loves music and is always at social events, she felt these earplugs would be healthier for her ears and appreciated how comfortable they were. 

Final verdict: Are Loop earplugs worth the hype?

So, after testing all three types of Loop earplugs, do they live up to the hype?  

Well, I like the Loop Quiet the most compared to the other two. That is because it gives that pure, peaceful silence in noisy environments or for a good night’s sleep.

However, the Loop Engage and Loop Experience are best used for the specified environments to maximise the benefits. For example, Loop Engage is a lifesaver for navigating noisy offices or crowded spaces without missing out on essential conversations. Meanwhile, Loop Experience is a top choice for events where you want to enjoy the atmosphere but control the sensory overload.

For someone who’s always surrounded by noise at work, Loop earplugs have been a welcome solution. Not only do they reduce the distractions that constantly pull me away from my tasks, but they also offer stylish, comfortable, and more seamless earplugs.

I think I might just find myself reaching for them more often than I’d expect.

Pros Cons
Stylish design The feeling of muted, white noise may take time to get used to 
Comfortable fit  Finding the perfect size can be tricky
Reduces noise without full isolation Initially takes more effort to focus on what you actually want to hear (especially for making conversations)
Reusable and portable
Variety of options 
  • Learn more about Loop Earplugs here. 
  • Read other articles we’ve written about Loop Earplugs here.

VP Verdict is a series where we personally try and test out products, services, fads, and apps. Want to suggest something else for us to try? Leave a comment here or send the suggestion to our Facebook page.

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