
She could hardly climb stairs, so she lost 34kg in 14 months: how a Singapore executive’s family holiday became ‘a now or never moment’

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She could hardly climb stairs, so she lost 34kg in 14 months: how a Singapore executive’s family holiday became ‘a now or never moment’

Lim admires actress Jennifer Aniston, who is a relevant role model now that Lim is “toned and lean without being too muscular” – much like Aniston, who is nearly the same age as her.
Jessie Lim before her fitness journey (left) and afterwards. She had never entered a gym before committing to losing weight. Photo: Jessie Lim/Ultimate Performance

“As a 17-year-old, I had a 23-inch (58cm) waist. Once I started working and after two child births at age 35 and 38, the weight piled on. I was juggling motherhood with my work schedule and never prioritised my health,” the hospitality company executive says.

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“Every morning I would wake up with back pain from sleeping on my side. I was constantly fatigued, and my ankles felt weak and heavy from carrying the weight around,” she says.

Lim joined personal training company Ultimate Performance on a friend’s recommendation. Her trainer, Saydul Hasbi, designed a regimen of daily walks, an hour of strength training three times weekly – and drastic changes to her diet.

Hasbi, a fitness trainer for 13 years, says his client was a complete newbie to the gym.

“We focused on building strength and mobility through compound movements, such as squats, dead lifts, pressing and pulling exercises – and added conditioning drills towards the end of the session to work on cardiovascular fitness.

Lim and her personal trainer, Saydul Hasbi, at Ultimate Performance in Singapore. Photo: Ultimate Performance

“We also focused on nutrition. Since Jessie travels for work, we looked at managing her diet and training while travelling, the two crucial elements in the transformation programme,” he says.

Lim started by walking 5,000 steps daily, gradually moving up to 10,000 steps.
She began following a 1,200-calorie-a-day diet, cutting out sugar and alcohol. Lim changed her diet so half of each lunch and dinner comprised vegetables – which she ate first, so the fibre would help her feel full and she would not overeat.

Lim also reduced the sauces she used in cooking – and even cut down on her favourite sambal chilli – as these loaded up the calories.

Breakfast for Lim consists of one or two eggs, black coffee and a whey protein shake.

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For lunch and dinner she starts with vegetables, followed by a grilled chicken breast or stir-fried beef with broccoli and mushrooms. For snacks, she has two small bowls of fruit.

Lim faced several challenges along her fitness journey. Showing up at the gym for the first time was unnerving.

“It was intimidating looking at all the equipment. However, as my trainer progressively moved me through the different machines and routines, it slowly built up my confidence,” says Lim.

“Sticking to my morning walks was hard, as I have always been a late-night person. But … I grew to love the walks, and the ‘me time’ helped clear my mind. I felt healthier and happier,” says Lim.

Lim and her family on holiday in Freiburg, Germany, in 2021. Photo: Jessie Lim

“Now, when I travel for work or holiday, I clock my steps first thing in the morning. I call it my ‘morning city tour’. It gives me a chance to see a new place before the city awakens. It is a special feeling,” she says.

Eating healthily while travelling for business trips was initially a challenge.

“I had to ensure that I took my supplements (curcumin, omega 3 fish oil and magnesium), protein shakes, stuck to the required workout, and abstained from alcoholic drinks while entertaining clients.”

Jessie Lim, her husband and two children in Barcelona, Spain, in December 2023 after she embarked on a weight-loss programme and went from 85kg to 51kg in 14 months. Photo: Jessie Lim

Weighing herself every morning kept Lim accountable and motivated.

“With every kilogram of weight loss, I pushed myself further. I knew the process was working and my hard work was paying off. When I finally fit into my old clothes, it was the best feeling ever,” says Lim – who no longer has backaches.

Lim kept a journal of her weight-loss journey on Facebook, shared with a small group of friends. She put up posts on her walking routes, the equipment she was learning to use at the gym, her meals, and her progress.

With every 10kg weight loss, Lim celebrated.

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“My trainer and I referred to my get-fit decision as my ‘#retirement plan’. When I lost my first 10kg, I treated myself to a curry puff. When I moved down to 79kg, I made a journal entry to remind myself that I would never weigh in the 80s again,” she says, adding she did the same when her weight fell below 70kg and 60kg.

“I felt pumped up going into the gym. Being surrounded by a bunch of high-energy people – who have watched your progress and cheered you on – gave me a sense of belonging and helped reinforce my commitment,” says Lim.

Her family has been supportive. When eating meals out, they chose restaurants that had appropriate food options for her.

“Knowing that I was watching my intake, my family would not offer me any snacks. My husband kept me on track, whenever I was tempted to falter,” she says. He also went on several walks with her.

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As she shed weight, she felt stronger and fitter.

“I feel light and nimble, and my self-confidence has grown tremendously. This feeling is what drives me to stay fit,” says Lim, who has surprised herself with her determination, discipline and perseverance.

“I am mentally stronger than I thought.”

“Friends tell me I look 20 years younger. My doctor said that I not only look good, I look strong as well,” says Lim. Photo: Jessie Lim/Ultimate Performance

The compliments came and were affirmations of Lim’s hard work.

“Friends tell me I look 20 years younger. My doctor said that I not only look good, I look strong as well,” says Lim.

Her advice to people who want to lose weight is to find your “why”, stick to the exercise regimen, talk to yourself positively, and hold yourself accountable by tracking your progress.

Lim and her husband at Stonehenge, in the UK, in August 2022. Photo: Jessie Lim

Lim’s husband and children are proud of how far she has come in this journey.

“My husband wrote me a note saying, ‘Weight loss doesn’t begin in the gym with a dumbbell, it starts in your head with a decision’. I feel I am the best version of myself, in all the 53 years of my life,” she says.

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