
Stop the Scratch with This Customised Solution for Your Itchy Scalp Crisis

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Stop the Scratch with This Customised Solution for Your Itchy Scalp Crisis

Have you ever woken up in the morning, ready to tackle the day when you’re faced with a headache you probably didn’t expect: an itchy scalp? Bet you didn’t know that scratching your scalp leads to inflammation which can cause hair loss!

It doesn’t help that every time you scratch your head, you can’t shake the nagging worry that you’re going to drop even more hair.

Tired of having my mind clouded by the idea of being bald by 50, I combed (pun not intended) through the internet and found the perfect treatment to help me with my hair loss predicament — TK TrichoKare’s Scalp Purifying Therapy.

With multiple outlets islandwide, choosing a convenient outlet was not an issue for me. I decided to commute to the TrichoKare outlet located in Jurong Point, which is just beside Boon Lay MRT station.

TK TrichoKare Jurong Point Outlet

Image: Chew Ming Hui [Outlet Counter]

Upon my arrival, I was greeted by the friendly TrichoKare Consultant, and was brought to a room where I filled in a questionnaire about my lifestyle and hair conditions.

Pre-Treatment Hair and Scalp Scan Analysis

After I filled out the questionnaire, the Scalp Purifying Therapy began with a Pre-Treatment Hair and Scalp Scan Analysis. This session also consists of a deeper level of sharing, which is for my Consultant to understand more of my lifestyle, work, daily habits, genetics etc – this will help determine some of the factors contributing to my hair and scalp condition.

Image: Chew Ming Hui [Hair and Scalp Scan Analysis]

You know those super close-up images you always see online of others’ scalps? That’s what the Hair and Scalp Scan Analysis is for — my Consultant, Lyneryl, used the Tricho-Scan, which provides up to 200 times magnification, to show me the state of my scalp pre-treatment.

And let’s just say, things were worse than I thought.

While moving the Tricho-Scan through my hair for an in-depth inspection of my scalp and hair, Lyneryl patiently walked me through all the issues she spotted. As it turns out, I had clogged hair follicles and some grey hairs.

Rather hair-raising news, indeed.

Image: Chew Ming Hui [‘Before Treatment’ Scalp Scan]

Just so you know, the image isn’t AI-generated—it’s simply a testament to the high quality of the Tricho-Scan tool’s imaging.

Here’s the image direct from the tool:

Image: TK TrichoKare [Close up view of my scalp inflammation and clogged pores]

You can clearly see the inflammation there. Now, my scratching could have caused this inflammation, which led to the redness on my scalp! Alas, with the consistent scratching, the build-up of inflammation also increases – all these eventually contribute to my hair loss issue!

If you think you might have the same issues, wait no more: book an appointment at your preferred TrichoKare outlet by dropping them a WhatsApp message at 9150 8891, or through their website.

Still want to know more? Well, read on.

Premium European Herbal Scalp Masque: Customised for Your Hair and Scalp Condition

Now that Lyneryl had diagnosed my hair and scalp condition, she ushered me over to the treatment area and handed me over to the Hair and Scalp Specialist, Li Li, who would see me through the next few stages of the treatment process.

Perhaps Li Li saw how distraught I was after seeing the Tricho-Scan images — she brought me a fresh cup of Rose tea (with antioxidant effects!) and tidbits to munch on. Of course, I wasn’t complaining about this.

Image: Chew Ming Hui [Excellent service with refreshments provided]

Li Li got down to work saving my scalp by first applying a Premium European Herbal Scalp Masque all over my scalp. The masque was customised to target the issues identified during my analysis earlier.

The masque I got was the Intensive Active Masque, which contained ingredients like white clay, lactic acid, and vitamin E, properties that are effective for my scalp condition. The masque helps to remove impurities and excess sebum in the scalp.

Image: Chew Ming Hui [Customised European Herbal Scalp Masque]

After applying the masque, she even gave me a scalp massage. I knew I was in good hands.

Image: Chew Ming Hui

The massage was so shiok that I nearly dozed off. It didn’t help that the clinic had classical music playing in the background — perfect for relaxing.

The masque was left to sit on my scalp for a short while so it could work its magic. Meanwhile, I caught up with some of my work. Perhaps this could be one of the reasons why I’m losing hair…

Hair Bath

Image: Chew Ming Hui

Li Li used the Nourishing Hair Bath – their best-selling shampoo, on my hair. The shampoo contains ingredients like white clay, walnut leaf extract, and vitamin E, which help to moisturise hair and remove grease.

Much better than the Anti Hair Loss shampoos I use at home, of course.

After washing the shampoo away, Li Li then applied a conditioner — the CompleteKare Mask which contains ingredients like wasabi and argan oil — on my hair, before washing it out.

Customised Treatment Essence via NanoMist Spray

Li Li then walked me back to my seat (or actually, with how well customers here are treated, perhaps I could even call my seat a throne) and put a heat pack on my shoulders, which helps with blood circulation.

Image: Chew Ming Hui [Heat Pack to relax and boost blood circulation]

After taking a few sips of my tea, Li Li applied some argan oil to my hair and dried it. She explained to me that my scalp and hair had to be completely dry for the next stage of the treatment — the Customised Treatment Essence Application via NanoMist Spray — to work well.

Image: Chew Ming Hui [Customised Treatment Essence applied through NanoMist Spray]

You might be thinking: “What is a NanoMist Spray?”

Well, it’s what I loved most from this treatment — it’s a spray which infuses your scalp with the Customised Treatment Essence. It helps to improve blood circulation as the essence penetrates through my scalp pores and helps strengthen hair growth – exactly what I need.

Photodynamic Therapy

And now, for the final stage of my treatment process — the Photodynamic Therapy.

When Li Li suddenly rolled out the Photodynamic Therapy machine, I thought it was something that came straight out of a Star Wars movie. She explained to me that the machine uses laser light technology to enhance blood circulation, assist in nutrient absorption, support hair regeneration in my scalp and accelerate scalp healing.

Image: Chew Ming Hui [Photodynamic Therapy for scalp healing]

While the Photodynamic Therapy machine (or what I will now dub the Star Wars machine) was working to save my scalp, I took the opportunity to take a snapshot of myself with this cool machine – one for the gram!

A hair treatment can’t get much better than this.

Post-Treatment Scalp Scan Analysis and Expert Advice

Before I concluded my treatment with TrichoKare, I met my friendly Consultant, Lyneryl once again for my Post-Treatment Hair and Scalp Scan Analysis.

She picked up her handy-dandy Tricho-Scan again to show me how my scalp looked. As you can see below, my scalp was looking much better after the treatment:

And lest you’ve forgotten how it looks like before the treatment, here’s the before and after comparison:

Image: TK TrichoKare [Close up views of Before Treatment and After Treatment Scalp Scans]

Just look at the transformation! My scalp is clear of sebum and no longer inflamed! The treatment obviously helped a lot — my scalp felt a lot fresher and revitalised, and the best thing is, I no longer had the constant urge to scratch my head!

Lyneryl also gave me some advice on how to take better care of my scalp; advice that was very much needed, as someone who did not want to lose any more hair.

With any hope, my comb will start collecting less hair from now!

Scalp Purifying Therapy @ $48 NETT (Total worth $556)

You know that it’s a good hair treatment if you walk out of it thinking: “Wow, I need to let my friends know of this gem of a place soon!”

Well, guess what? From now till 30 September 2024, you can experience the power of this revitalizing Scalp Purifying Therapy for only $48 nett! And that’s not all—you’ll also receive an exclusive Hair Care Kit featuring TrichoKare’s best-selling Nourishing Hair Bath (shampoo) and CompleteKare Mask (conditioner). Together, they are valued at $556, but they’re yours at just $48.

Image: TK TrichoKare [TrichoKare’s signature best-selling duo, the Nourishing Hair Bath and CompleteKare Mask]

You can book an appointment with TrichoKare by dropping them a WhatsApp message at 9150 8891, or through their website. Hurry, I heard from Lyneryl that slots at their outlets fill up pretty fast!

TrichoKare outlets are accessible islandwide: NEX #02-24, Ngee Ann City #05-22A, Velocity@Novena Square #03-19, Clementi Mall #05-11, Jurong Point #B1-62.

This article was first published on Goody Feed and written in collaboration with TK TrichoKare.

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