
‘Taiwan’s Most Beautiful Politician’, 26, Kicks Drunk Man In Groin After Being Groped In Japan

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Taiwanese lawmaker Ho Chihning, who has been dubbed ‘Taiwan’s most beautiful politician,’ recently had an alarming encounter while in Japan.

The representative for a district in Hsinchu was approached by a drunk man holding a large can of highball outside Tokyo’s Otsuka Station.

Despite her efforts to politely reject his advances, the inebriated man continued harassing her.

Chihning, 26, tried to shake him off by entering a nearby bookstore, but he followed her into the shop.

And as she exited, the man groped her buttocks twice.

In an attempt to defend herself, Chihning allegedly kicked the man in the crotch, documenting his stumble in a video before calling the police.  

The man was soon arrested while trying to flee from the officers.

Following the incident, Chihning updated her Instagram, stating that the incident hasn’t deterred her from visiting Japan again.

“Even though this happened to me in Japan, I have no ill will towards the country,” she wrote.

While Chihning did not confirm the perpetrator’s nationality, she said he is not a Japanese citizen. 

She also thanked the police for arresting her assailant and providing an interpreter for her to give her statement in Mandarin.

In her post, Chihning says her experience serves as a reminder to all female travellers to remain vigilant in unfamiliar environments, and take precautions to protect themselves when help is not immediately available.

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