
Tour Guide In China Scolds Tour Group For Not Buying Things: “If You Spend Money You’re A God, If You Don’t You’re ****”

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Tour Guide In China Scolds Tour Group For Not Buying Things: “If You Spend Money You’re A God, If You Don’t You’re ****”

Ever been on a tour where the guide makes unplanned stops at certain shops? In those cases, tour guides typically get a small commission for driving sales to the establishment, though most tourists ‘close one eye’ as long as they aren’t being pushy.

What would you do, however, if the tour guide forces you to spend money?

That’s what happened to a group of tourists who were in Tianjin, China for a four-day guided trip.

Their tour guide, a Chinese lady with the surname Deng, was filmed scolding them on the coach because they didn’t spend enough money at an attraction.

She yelled at them aggressively through her mic, saying: “There are 52 people on this bus, and [you] only spent 900 yuan (S$166). I lost so much money from this. I asked you all to at least buy something and not come out empty-handed, yet so many people did. How am I supposed to answer for this.”

She continued: “You all are already so old, how can you not understand what’s going on? You guys are really embarrassing the people of Taiyuan (where the group is from).”

Just when you thought her rant couldn’t get any worse, she went on to shout: “If you spend money you’re a god, if you don’t you are s***!”

She then asked the tourists who didn’t buy anything to return to the attraction to continue shopping.

“You should only leave when you buy 1000-2000 (S$184-369) yuan worth of things,” she added.

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