
YES 933 DJ Chen Ning Spent Over $1K Treating Everyone To Drinks At Her Café After Top 10 Win

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YES 933 DJ Chen Ning Spent Over K Treating Everyone To Drinks At Her Café After Top 10 Win

Local singer Chen Diya was also spotted making a trip down to House Downstairs. However, as the café was busy, the former Sanity Coffee Café owner decided to get behind the counter to help.

“When she saw us struggling, she immediately offered a helping hand! Her drink ended up “not free,” says Chen Ning.

However, Chen Ning assures us that she texted Diya that she will treat her to alcohol the next time.

8DAYS.SG: You dropped by House Downstairs after finishing up The Daka Show in the morning. Weren’t you tired?

Chen Ning: I was surviving on two hours of sleep and even questioned myself on how long I can last.

Initially, I was only looking to stay for awhile but as the café was so crowded, I decided to cancel any plans and stay till we closed.

It was all worth it. In fact, it felt like I was at my own wedding because so many people came up to congratulate me.

This is your second Top 10 award. How did you feel about your chances before your name was called?

It is never a sure thing to win the Top 10. In fact, I made a $500 bet with [fellow YES 933 DJ] Gerald Ng that I won’t win this year.

He kept telling me he was very sure I would be in the Top 10 even though I said I wasn’t confident.

Well, obviously I lost the bet, and I transferred him the money once I got home.

I told him, “Let’s bet on bigger things next year” (laughs).

Why the lack of confidence?

I felt many of our viewers really felt our raw disappointment when we lost for Best Radio Programme last year and the energy to send us on stage was very strong.

But me and Jeff weren’t sure that history would happen again this year.

Your viewers and fans pulled through!

Yes! Especially when many people are still getting used to the idea that DJs are also nominated for the Star Awards.

Probably also because DJs have more exposure other than the airwaves now.

Like you on our 8days Eat TikTok channel!

(Laughs) Yes! Thank you! That definitely helped!

You treated so many people to drinks. How are you going to treat yourself?

Wah… I haven’t given that any thought though. I am a little behind on some work for a radio drama. But I will definitely find some time to have a meal with close friends this week.

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